Celebrate Black women-owned small businesses on Mastercard® Small Biz Marketplace on Pinterest

As the newest addition to the Mastercard Strivers Initiative, the Mastercard Small Biz Marketplace on Pinterest will highlight the entrepreneurs, leaders, and visionaries who are rewriting the rules as they grow their businesses.

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Get inspired by the Mastercard Strivers and other Black women entrepreneurs with a visit to Mastercard’s exciting new Small Biz Marketplace on Pinterest.






Part of Mastercard’s $500 million pledge to help close the racial wealth and opportunity gap for Black communities and businesses, this unique initiative introduces you to these leaders and encourages consumers to shop, share and support them.










Six pins will be dedicated to each small business owner. There, you’ll find information about the business, a quote that summarizes their philosophy, and—best of all—links to their small business pages where you can browse and buy their products and services.









Visit the Mastercard Small Biz Marketplace on Pinterest today to learn more about these dynamic women—and support their businesses as they support their communities.







Here’s how: